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Business & Sales Consulting Services

Every organisation that competes in a marketplace has challenges to address

Is the sales force performing to an optimum level?
Does the sales force have the tools and training to succeed?
Does management effectively monitor, coach and support the sales team?
Are targets realistic and achievable?
Is the target marketplace clearly defined?
Is the sales force organised to reflect the marketplace it addresses?
Is the sales force peddling products or adding measurable value for customers?
Does the sales force accurately reflect the strategy, direction and values of the organisation?
Is the core strategy based on direct, indirect or a mixed delivery model?
Is channel conflict inhibiting results?
How does the sales force find prospective customers?

Merit Consulting works within client organisations to help them answer and act on the above questions - and many more. In addition to general consulting support, Merit offers a range of specific services -


Contribution Selling. In conjunction with Exceed we deliver this leading range of modules covering initial workshops, sales Plans/Methodology, Business Development Plans, Sales Managers 'Toolkits' and a Business Led Project Methodology. These modules add tremendous value independently, but as a series they create an environment and culture geared towards consistent efficient, effective success. Indeed the confidence that we can make a significant contribution to your business, means the relationship with clients is often based on a "payment by results" model.

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Sales Strategy. Merit will work with you to refine and improve your overall strategy. This work can cover all aspects of analysis, from product/capability basics to 'hands on' support for the sales organisation as they move to a value-based model.

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Sales Force Audit. Merit will work with you to review sales force performance and capabilities and then recommend and/or implement improvement plans. This is a simple, quick service to help you make better planning decisions around your salesforce and their environment.

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Route to Market Consulting. There are many choices to be made as you face your target market. All direct sales? All indirect sales? A mixed sales model? How to optimise sales and build customer satisfaction? How to deal with real or potential channel conflict? What about the use of the newer e-commerce channels? Merit can work with you to help you analyse where you are today and then to decide on the best approach in moving forward - and implement it.

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Marketing. Balanced marketing activity serves to build momentum, increase awareness, drive direction and support the sales effort. Whether in PR, guerrilla marketing ('unfair mindshare'), product marketing or campaigns and promotions - Merit can increase your effectiveness!

Want to know more?

Either download a 1 page summary of Merit Business and Sales Consulting services, or mail us at with your query, or go to Business and Sales Consulting Client References for independent comments.

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