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Merit Business Intelligence

Merit Business Intelligence delivers strategic consulting to its clients on the BI marketplace, BI suppliers, the reality (as opposed to marketing speak) of the underlying BI technology and the appropriate potential, strategy and direction for BI within the client organisation.

The BI market is a complex environment - analytics, reporting, portals, scorecarding, the balanced scorecard, Corporate Performance Management (CPM), data warehouses, ERP Reporting needs, the potential user/consumer base, real-time(or not) and ‘multiple versions of the truth’ are all aspects of BI that have to be considered when evaluating strategy and implementation. Mistakes can be very costly....


Merit has chosen, where appropriate, to partner with Avendris, a leading IT and Change Management Consultancy, as it delivers these services. The Avendris team can bring both operational and strategic analysis skills to support Merit and also provide tactical technological support services. Please visit the Avendris website for a full description of their service delivery capability.

Reference from Information Age Reference from De Montford University

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