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Business Intelligence Services

People aside, the greatest single asset any organisation has is its information base. The problem today is that most organisations are drowning in data. This asset base has the power to help the organisation better understand its progress against its goals, its relative market position, its problems, its customers, its own products and services and the performance of business units and individuals. The lack of timely information generates the converse effect - problems in operating and competing effectively in any or all of the above areas....

Merit Consulting helps its clients better understand their own situation and then move forward to better utilise their information assets. In addition to general consulting and support, the specific services offered include -

Business Intelligence Audit. Through the purchase of application solutions, most organisations already have multiple reporting, analysis and planning tools. It makes financial and operational sense to consolidate these tools as far as possible. The lack of ‘one version of the truth’ sometimes connected to ‘spreadsheet chaos’ is often another critical factor to be addressed. Merit will assist its clients to maximise the investments they have already made and then plan for the future....

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Business Intelligence Strategy. Do the current tools restrict the scope of usage? Can external users (customers, suppliers, partners) gain benefit from extended BI? Can problems be solved quicker and more cost effectively? Can the organisation gain competitive or operational benefit from data assets that are currently either invisible or not available in a timely manner? Regardless of the current starting point, Merit will assist clients as they plan to ‘sweat’ their information assets more effectively and/or develop a more effective strategy for the future.

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Vendor Analysis. Whether you have no current BI suppliers, a single BI supplier, or too many current vendors a cost-effective, independent review of your requirements against the delivery capability (and stability) of the myriad of potential vendors can bring great benefit. Merit has an unrivalled ability to deliver pragmatic, real world vendor advice to its clients.

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Vendor Selection. If a BI strategy is agreed (whether to grow the BI capability in the organisation or simply to consolidate costs) the next step is normally vendor review and selection. Merit can deliver substantial support to its clients in this process - from the initial short-listing (and the supporting logic) to RFI and RFQ processes, pricing negotiations and then on to vendor management during implementation.

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BI Marketplace Trends. Merit can help its clients understand where vendors see the future and where the market itself is going. This advice is often of most use to those engaged in long-term business planning and can be used to help underpin broader business strategies.

Want to know more?

Either download a 1 page summary of Merit Business Intelligence, or mail us at with your query, or go to Business Intelligence Client References for independent comments.

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